Well-known Databases in Nanotechnology
Databases are among the most important means for the development and commercialization of various technologies. Some nanotechnology databases have been studied here.
After the development of nanotechnology and commercialization of its products, various organizations and groups have provided nanotechnology databases in order to facilitate information access and to pave the way for the development. Some important nanotechnology databases have been studied here.
This website has one of the oldest nanotechnology databases. There are some databases for nanomaterials, events, products, companies, laboratories, and nanotechnology applications in the website. In these databases, the companies have been classified according to the countries in a way that the number of nanotechnology companies of every country can be found with a simple search. After entering every country’s page, the list of companies for that country can be seen. To find nanotechnology research centers, the database provides the information for every country. In nanomaterials database, it is mentioned exactly how many nanomaterials every country produces and sells in form of commercial products. However, this part needs to be updated. For further information refer to Nanowerk.
2- Nano
This database has been created jointly by Nature and Springer. The newly-founded database gives researchers the opportunity to search various nanotechnology topics. Researchers can enter the name of the material they work with into the database and by using an intelligent search engine they can find a lot of information about that material, in addition to the links and articles related to that material. This database contains plenty of data about nanomaterials, methods of production, and nano-instruments. In fact, a large quantity of information has been gathered and categorized from articles, patents, and other scientific sources, and after referring to the database, the researcher types the name of the desired material and finds a lot of information about that material by using the databank’s search engine. Springer had established SpringerMaterials databank before, which enabled researchers to access information about various materials (not necessarily nanomaterials), but this database has been created specifically for nanotechnology. The database can be reached at Nano.Nature.
3- StatNano
With nearly 7000 products, StatNano has the most comprehensive database of nanotechnology products. In this database, data and statistics about nanotechnology products have been gathered and provided for the users in a categorized form. Besides products, StatNano has databases of standards, universities and research centers, events, and strategic policies of the countries. Compilation of such a vast spectrum of various databases in one website is unique and there is not a similar case in other websites. The database also provides the users with analytical reports on the trend of nanotechnology influence on different industries, nanostructures, and highly used nanomaterials in different industrial fields, and the modified specifications and applications in nanoproducts. The aim of Nanotechnology Products Database is to gather, classify, analyze, and publish information about products that are based on nanotechnology. For more information refer to StatNano.
4- The Nanodatabase
It is a specifically nanoproducts database that was established by Technical University of Denmark with the cooperation of Danish Ecology Association and Danish Consumer Council. The database has registered 3000 products until 4th April 2017. The database has a manual for the registry of products for nanotechnology entrepreneurs. To this end, the names of the product, producer, internet address and website must be entered too. For further information refer to The Nanodatabese.
5- NanoSafetyDB
The aim of this database is to collect and present documents related to safety in the field of nanotechnology. Referring to the bank, researchers can update their information and knowledge about nanosafety. There are different safety related documents such as standards, law and regulation, guides and procedures, policies, and strategies on the website. For more information visit NanoSafetyDB.
6- Nanotechnology in Our Food
This database deals specifically with nanoproducts in the food industry. The information about manufacturing companies with the nanomaterials used in the products has been included in the database. The database can be reached at Center for Food Safety website.
7- Nanofutures
This database indexes and introduces nanotechnology events with the details about nanotechnology conferences, seminars, and fora. To use the database, refer to Nanofutures. The AZoNano, Nanotechnology Now and InterNano websites have a section about nanotechnology events too
8- Nanodic
This website has provided a glossary for nanotechnology, and it can be used to understand specific terms. To use the glossary refer to Nanodic.
9- Nanotechnology Standards Database
This database has been created by American National Standards Institute and it contains information about nanotechnology standards. The database can be reached at ANSI website.