StatNano Releases Its Third Statistical Annual Report on Nanotechnology

StatNano Releases Its Third Statistical Annual Report on Nanotechnology

Useful and valuable information and analysis about the trends of publications and innovations in nanotechnology, nanotech products in various industrial sectors, properties and applications created by the products, events and standards related to nanotechnology, as well as the status of policy-making in this technology in 2017 are available in the report.

StatNano publishes an annual report on the status of nanotechnology in the past year, at the beginning of each year. Useful and valuable information and analysis about the trends of publications and innovations in nanotechnology, nanotech products in various industrial sectors, properties and applications created by the products, events and standards related to nanotechnology, as well as the status of policy-making in this technology in 2017 are available in the report. Statistics and data in each section is gathered and analyzed from reliable international and local sources.

Web of Science is the source of indicators in the field of science. Number of ISI-indexed nano-articles and their citations are searched and obtained for each country in various years by using the database through an appropriate keyword registered by INIC experts. Orbit Database is known as the source of indicators related to nanotechnology patents. Some of general indicators such as population and gross domestic product (GDP) are obtained from World Bank. In addition, other sources such as national strategic plans and evaluation reports of nanotechnology organizations in various countries are used as well.

This report includes two major sections. The first section deals with nanoscience and innovation indicators according to ISI-indexed nano-articles and nanotechnology related patents (Chapter 1). The second section presents statistics and information on StatNano databanks (Chapter 2). This section introduces five databases of StatNano in various fields of nanotechnology, and reviews them in 2017.

The price of the report is 499 $, which will be sold at a discount of 40% (299 $) for statnano users by the end of June. You can download here a sample of the report for free. To access the full text of the report, please contact us by email: