Different types of #gold nanoparticles, including #colloidal_gold, gold thioethylamino hyaluronic acid, and acetyl heptapeptide-9 colloidal gold, have been banned by the #European_Commission for use in #cosmetic products.
The 2nd generation development of the #COVID_19 rapid antibody IgM/IgG test has seen the introduction of #gold_nanoparticles into the testing strip.
The rapid #COVID_19 test based on IgG-IgM combined #antibody and #gold_nanoparticles has great potential benefit for the fast screening of COVID-19 infections within 15 minutes.
#Gold_nanoparticles #market will rapidly grow in the North America due to their use in #tunneling_microscopy and especially in theĀ #health_sector.