Search Result - #Graphene or "Graphene"

  • For the first time, the number of #graphene patents exceeded #nanotubes in 2021! Carbon nanotubes always had the highest number of patents among different #nanomaterials in previous years. The third place belongs to #quantum_dots.


  • A new #standard about the methodology for measuring the thickness of #graphene_oxide (GO) flakes using SEM and AFM is under development. It is applicable to the characterization of graphene oxide in powder and liquid dispersion forms.


  • The ISO #nanotechnology_standard (ISO/TS 21356-1) specifies the sequence of methods for characterizing the structural properties of #graphene including the number of layers, thickness, the lateral flake size, the level of disorder, and the specific surface area.


  • Newly developed #graphene_oxide based #sensor platform can rapidly detect sepsis or the antibodies against the #coronavirus, also open the door to further applications including the detection of harmful gases such as carbon monoxide at room temperature.


  • The global #graphene #market generated $91.3 million in 2019, and is estimated to reach $1.36 billion by 2027, registering a CAGR of 40.2% from 2020 to 2027.


  • Using combined layers of #graphene and cubic #silicon_carbide to develop a graphene-based #photoelectrode researchers could turn carbon dioxide into fuel via #solar_energy.


  • A new technique of producing large sheets of high-quality atomically-thin #graphene could lead to lightweight, flexible #solar devices and a new generation of #display_screens.


  • Laser-induced #graphene that can conduct electrical charge to kill the trapped #microorganisms in the mask filter, is effective in blocking out 99 percent of particles over 0.3 micrometers and 80 percent of smaller particles.


  • Loading #antiviral agents on #graphene_oxide (GO) enhances its biocompatibility while reducing the cytotoxicity of both GO and the antiviral agents.


  • Due to their two-dimensional structure, sharp edges, and negatively charged surfaces, #graphene_oxide nanosheets are capable of interacting with microorganisms such as #bacteria and #viruses.


  • European Roadmap for #Graphene has highlighted the Development of #fuel_cells for transportation, 6G and beyond wireless networks, on-chip optical data and spin-logic-devices for 2030 and beyond.


  • According to the Annual Report 2018 of #GRAPHENE_FLAGSHIP, the achievements are 145 partners, 31 partnering projects, 46 launched products, 9 spin-off companies, 25 granted patents, and 80+ promising application areas analyzed.


  • Force driven liquid-gas phase transition mediated by #graphene based #nanosponges can be used for substitution of #hydrofluorocarbons by #green_refrigerants such as H2O and alcohols.


  • #Highways_England is looking to avert deterioration in roads by investigating the use of #graphene in surfaces. Adding graphene into maintenance operations has the potential to extend asset life and make the network perform at an industry-changing level.


  • Addition of 5% reduced #graphene oxide to the carbon black anode material, resulted in a 324% increase in the #anode_discharge capacity in preliminary #battery testing results.


  • Decreasing the production cost of #graphene_oxide up to 22 € per kg will make it applicable for areas such as #concrete and #asphalt bitumen.


  • #Graphene is currently used to develop innovative nanotechnology-based products in the #paint and #coating industry.


  • #Composite, #sensors, #batteries, #medicine and #automotive were 2018's top 5 #graphene applications, respectively.


  • #China ranks first by comprehensive strength in the global #graphene industry. China graphene #market value reached USD18.8 million in 2017, taking a share of 22% in the global market.


  • A total of 13,371 #graphene related patents were filed globally in 2017, showing an increase of 30.7% compared to the prevoius year with a CAGR of 60.9% between 2010 and 2017.
