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Creating the tiniest structures on surfaces

Nano Magazine   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

Nanotechnology is regarded as the key technology of the 21st century, delivering the fundamental methods, which allow objects just a few hundred nanometers in size to be produced in any required shape. These objects find applications practically e...

Jan 13, 2017

Scientists sort through bilayer graphene

Nano Magazine   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

Scientists have organized the available bibliographic data on bilayer graphene, a high-potential material with possible applications in electronics and optics. The review paper was published in Physics Reports.

Jan 12, 2017

Nanoarray sniffs out and distinguishes multiple diseases

Nano Magazine   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

Before modern medical lab techniques became available, doctors diagnosed some diseases by smelling a patient’s breath. Scientists have been working for years to develop analytical instruments that can mimic this sniff-and-diagnose ability. Now, re...

Jan 11, 2017

Nanowire 'inks' enable paper-based printable electronics

Nano Magazine   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

By suspending tiny metal nanoparticles in liquids, Duke University scientists are brewing up conductive ink-jet printer “inks” to print inexpensive, customizable circuit patterns on just about any surface.

Jan 4, 2017

Using polymers to control the organizational behavior of nanoparticles

Nano Magazine   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

In order to create new nanomaterial technologies such as next-generation lighting, fundamental challenges underpinning the science and engineering of nanoparticles must be resolved. For example, many proposed technologies hinge on the organization...

Jan 3, 2017

Worms dine on nanoparticles to help test biological force sensor technology

Nano Magazine   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

Millimeter-long worms digesting a nanoparticle-laced meal of their favorite bacteria could eventually lead to a new way to see cellular forces at play within our own bodies, including processes like wound healing and cancer growth. The key is that...

Jan 2, 2017

Tattoos mark the spot - for surgery - then disappear

Nano Magazine   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

Tattoos aren't just for body art. They can have medical applications, too. Doctors are using them on patients to mark an area for future treatment — particularly for non-melanoma skin cancer such as basal cell carcinoma — but the inks can cau...

Dec 21, 2016

Nano-modified aerospace composites

Nano Magazine   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

New technology that could enhance both the electrical and thermal conductivity of conventional composite materials has been developed thanks to a collaboration between the University of Surrey, University of Bristol and the aerospace company Bomba...

Dec 19, 2016

Ground-breaking production method could accelerate worldwide ‘graphene revolution' — Nano Magazine - Latest Nanotechnology News

Nano Magazine   -   Scientific and Educational Websites

An innovative new cheap and simple mass production technique, developed by the University of Exeter, is set to open up the global potential of the ‘wonder’ material graphene.

Dec 14, 2016

Physicists get a perfect material for air filters

ScienceDaily   -   General News Websites

Researchers have synthesized an almost weightless fabric made of nylon nanofibers that beats any other similar materials in terms of filtering and optical properties.

Mar 1, 2016